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Placing vacancies: information
Source: Business-improvement.eu
Placing vacancies starts already from € 75,-    
In return for this, you will be able to put one vacancy during one month, with the opportunity to change the content of this vacancy yourself at any time. Request our brochure with the form below for more information!
Placing and managing two vacancies is free for sponsors of this website.

Our vacancy-service makes it possible that companies place and manage vacancies themselves.

How does it work?

You wil receive a username and password, which makes it possible to enter information about vacancies, like job description, country, city etcetera. Your account will make it possible to manage a certain amount of vacancies during a certain time. During this period, the content of your vacancies can be adjusted or replaced at will. Your vacancies will be shown, until a due date choosen by yourself.

Why would you place your vacancies our site?

  1. Focus: Your vacancies will be seen by people who are professionally interested in business process improvement.
    Vacancies which are nearest to their due date, are also shown on the openingspage of this website to attract extra attention.
  2. Low costs.
  3. Flexibility: You can adapt or change your vacancies yourself, at any time.


Please send me the brochure
Note: Only completely filled in forms wil be processed by us!.

Personal data that are transmitted with the form on this webpage are not inserted into our database.

Full name
Your e-mail address
Your job description
Your company
Tel. number with int. prefix

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