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Source: Business-improvement.eu
How to create flow in business processes
Business-improvement.eu is a 100% independent Business-improvement.eu is a completely independent website, with an independent editorial staff:

1. We do not provide paid consultancy services.
2. Every consultancy (or supplier) can advertise on our site.
3. Advertisers cannot influence the content of our articles.
4. Registrated users only recieve once in about four months our newsletter by e-mail.
 website about continuous improvement with methods like Lean, QRM, TOC, TPM and Agile. Editor-in-chief is business-journalist Dr Ir Jaap van Ede .
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Overview main site sections
On this site you will find information about the possibilities and limitations of the most important process management methods, see our mission. All continuous improvement approaches described here were originally developed in the US or in Japan, be it from different perspectives. Namely logistics for Lean, TOC and QRM, quality for Six Sigma and productivity for TPM. On this site each approach is characterized by one phrase, like 'the value adding organization' for Lean, and 'the perfect organization' for Six Sigma, see the overview below. After entering one of these site-sections, articles in the same section can be found using a yellow sub-menu on the upper-left of each page.
Lean:    the value adding organization
TOC:          the unlimited organization
QRM: the cellular organization
Six Sigma: the perfect organization
Lean Six Sigma :         the value adding & perfect organization
TPM:    the smooth organization
WorldClass the value adding & smooth & perfect organization
Lead & Change:    the changing organization

Our mission:  Inspiring businesses with in-depth real-life cases
1. Providing information about business improvement, to stimulate knowledge transfer.
Business-improvement.eu and its Dutch sister website procesverbeteren.nl both provide completely independent and unbiased information about áll methods to improve the efficiency, quality and flexibility of production and business processes. Focus is on business-cases, of which most were also published in specialist journals about logistics, quality and maintenance. The idea is to transfer knowledge about best practises from one company to another, and also to transfer knowledge between different industry sectors, e.g. from manufacturing to hospitals.

Each company struggles with the same question: How can I provide – at lowest possible costs and with an acceptable delivery time – products or services that add maximum value for my customers? All methods on this site, Lean, Six Sigma, TPM etc, address this problem. Although it is often thought that implementations of these methods can be copied form one company to another (like a template), this is definitely not a good idea. The reason for this: Take for example the application of TPM within Unilever. Their approach evolved during the years to a company-specific improvement method, tailored to their specific needs, also including aspects of other methods like Lean and Six Sigma. Therefore the idea is not to copy approaches on this site, but to see these as suggestions, which might work in your own organization.

In conclusion: this site helps to generate ideas, e.g. about which method to start with when you are new to continuous improvement. Companies further on their way are served with suggestions about how to mix different methods, to compose an organization improvement system tailored best to their needs.

2. Acting as an intermediary
When an organization needs help to implement a certain improvement approach, they might contact one of the consultancy firms listed with their banners in the margin of each article. (a list of these sponsors with some background information provided by them can also be found via the sub-menu of each site section)
Since these consultancy firms sponsor one or more site-sections chosen by themselves, a fit between the approach described in an article and the knowledge of the consultancy firms listed in the margin of that article is likely. However, as said before, this is a completely independent website. So, we cannot garantuee in any way the quality of the services provided by the listed consultancies, nor do we make any judgement about which firm would suit your company best. In time, more interactive functionalionality and many more case descriptions will be added to this site, as was done earlier on the Dutch sister site procesverbeteren.nl.